Friday, September 11, 2009

NEFLIN Annual Meeting and Remembering

I have been absent for awhile due to health issues over the summer but I am back!! I attended the NEFLIN Annual Meeting yesterday. It was a great meeting with lots of good information concerning being an advocate for one's library; Web 2.0 social media and why it is so important for libraries to play a more active role; and learning about "What's cooking at NEFLIN." The keynote speaker, Andrew Huse, Special Collections Librarian, USF, was entertaining and informative as he spoke on the importance of documenting Florida's food and restaurant history. He has written a book on the history of the Columbia Restaurant coming out in October 2009. Congratulations to Brad, Patty, and Jeannie--You have taken your "muffin" budget for the coming year and made it into an "apple pie" full of course opportunities for the members in your district!!

Since it is 9/11 please note the link in rememberance to those who lost their lives that day. This video is at the Smithsonian and was made by a New Yorker who succumbed to lung damage sustained during the attack. It is long (15 minutes) but extremely powerful. You might want to copy and paste into your browser.